Change your water, Change your life style

Whole house water filter system for safe
water(Hardness Removal).

Product used in this process are certified by WHO and NSF


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Whole House Water Filter (Hardness removal by sequester technology)

Micropore has developed a complete line of sodium and potassium-based phosphate blends that sequester high levels of minerals (Fe, Mg, Ca). Micropore polyphosphate blends create a ring like structure around the calcium molecule to precipitation. Micropore polyphosphate blends utilize long chain threshold treatment technology to create extremely stable blends to keep minerals in solution over longer periods of time and in a variety of water quality conditions.

The use of Micropore polyphosphate blends eliminates scale formation, cloudy water and improves C- Factors (flow) in the distribution system. Additional benefits include improved disinfection (lower chlorine demand), effective corrosion control at lower pH levels and improved flushing programs.

Micropore Founder

Mr. Badrinath

He possesses vast experience in Materials Management, Manufacturing, developing ultra filtration systems having hands on experience in development and implementation of systems in the areas of ultra filtration, solid-liquid separation, purification systems and air dryer systems, performs the role of prime leadership.

Our Team



He possesses vast experience in Materials Management, Manufacturing, developing ultra filtration systems having hands on experience in development and implementation of systems in the areas of ultra filtration, solid-liquid separation, purification systems and air dryer systems, performs the role of prime leadership.

Mr.Venkatesh Kumar

Design Head

He has profound knowledge and expertise in the field of 3D Design and Development of pressure vessels. Having acquired in-depth skill in various design tools, he is the medium through which customer requirements are converted into developed products.

Mr.Suraj Badrinath

Marketing Head

Well Versed in the domain of digital marketing and plays a combined role in Sales, Production and Customer PR, which in turn streamlines our production with utmost efficiency.

Mr.Sathianathan S

Factory Manager

Overall in-charge of our manufacturing plant, based at Malur. Responsible for Manufacturing, Inspection,Testing and Quality Control as per latest engineering practice standards.


Micropore Team
Manufacturing Unit
Whole house Water Filter
Shop Floor
Process Area
Machine Area
Buffing Process
Final Product